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Business, cross-border payment, GlobePay, WeChat Pay

What are WeChat Pay’s cross-border payment limits?

Payment limits could be a headache for merchants. As of 2020, WeChat has over 1.2 billion users and 92% of the urban Chinese population use Alipay and WeChat Pay. WeChat began as a messaging app similar to Whatsapp. Since then it has evolved into a super-app. In short, it functions as Google, Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp combined. In-app shopping features, such as Mini-Programs, have further added to WeChat’s portfolio of uses.

WeChat Pay is a payment feature within WeChat. It allows users to make mobile payments from multiple channels. Users have 3 methods of payment available for cross-border transactions: “Wallet Balance”, “Debit/Credit Card”, and “Mini Fund”. Transactions limits are then decided by WeChat and the relevant banks.

Wallet Balance

There are no payment limits for UK merchants to receive funds from customers by using the WeChat Pay channel. Chinese customers use WeChat Pay to make cross-border payments. You can top-up funds in your wallet or withdraw money to debit or credit cards whenever you want.

For cross-border payments, users are limited to ¥200,000 (around £23,000) per year and ¥50,000 (almost £6,000) per transaction or total each day.

Debit or Credit Card

After connecting your debit or credit card to your WeChat account, you can use your card to make cross-border payments.

In this case, individual banks set the limits for transactions. Typical limitations range from ¥10,000-50,000/£1,100-5,700 per transaction or total per day.


  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Debit Card Limit: ¥30,000/£3,400 per transaction
  • Bank of China Credit Card:¥10,000/£1,100 per transaction

Mini Fund

Mini Funds are a new feature on WeChat. You can use a Mini Fund to transfer money and scan QR Codes to make payments and credit card repayments.

You will also earn interest for placing your money in a Mini Fund.

Mini Fund payments are limited to ¥300,000/£34,000 per year.

Do Merchants have limitations for receiving payments?

No, merchants do not have any limitations. Alipay and WeChat Pay do not place limits on businesses receiving payments from customers.

Apply for WeChat Pay

GlobePay helps UK merchants access customers in China by enabling WeChat Pay for online and in-store payments. Accept payments with your phone by scanning your customer’s QR code or generating your own. Boost your Chinese customer base by enabling payment options they already use at home.

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